Friday, October 17, 2008

Finally a free minute post KY visit

so, we spent a wonderful week in KY last week!! wahoo!! i managed to only get a couple of pictures...having too much fun to pull out the camera i guess. (or i might just be a ditz...who knows?) While we were there we celebrated Connor's 6 month "half birthday"! I can't hardly believe that it has been half a year since the birth of this child. I honestly can't hardly remember what life was like before our little Connor. I feel like being his mommy is exactly what i have been supposed to be doing my whole life. We must have been very bored before his birth! hah! The world is a new place when you get to see it through the eyes of a baby. All things are wonderful and new..and he reminds me of that daily!
Connor had his 6 months check up and shots tuesday. He is a whoppin 21 lbs and 6 oz at 27.25 inches long. This means that in what was actually just short of 6 weeks, he grew 1 and a quarter inches and gained almost a pound and a half...let's say he is well fed. The doctor was pleased with his growth and development and raved about his temperment. Said he was one of the happiest (and grabbiest) babies she had seen in a while! So, back in 4 weeks for the second part of his flu shot, and then we're in the clear till January as far as doctor's are concerned!
TJ is in the home stretch of training. They should graduate from this current class the first week in Nov. There have been a few bumps of late, but he's rolling with the punches and working hard to make the improvements he needs. He is such a hard worker...and also a great dad to Connor. Seeing them together is the favorite part of my day!
speaking of Connor..he is up from his nap..i should go get's a couple pics from the last two weeks...enjoy!
the teeth!!!

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