Friday, September 26, 2008

the end of my delinquence

hello everybody - contrary to popular guesses...i havent ACTUALLY fallen off the face of the earth...just been busy...actually...not really...we could probably use the word "lazy" instead...just this one time. anywhooo.. we've had a fairly uneventful last two weeks (i cannot believe it's been two weeks since i updated here, but my life seems to go by really fast these days...with all my laziness!)

We did find out that TJ was assigned to Infantry as his specialty - there are a few mixed feelings about this decision...but most of them are based on downright reluctance to have to go through the officer's school of infantry which is notorious for being very difficult...but other than that, i think we can call it a good outcome. This is, in fact, what TJ has dreamed about doing as long as I have known him...I'm excited that, essentially, his dreams are coming many people can say that?!?! This also means that we will be here in VA a while longer...with the next move coming early spring next year...destination still TBA...

Been playing softball for a church's a little different from the powerhouse of The Horn - so that has been a challenge...I am currently sporting a large bruise on my thigh from a ground ball that i didnt field very well....but, it helps pass the time i guess...we got rained out last night and tonight..which was good since yesterday was the season premier of my addiction - Grey's Anatomy... let me tell you what...i'm glad i was home to watch...since the previews were, let's call it, misleading...but it turned out to be a good thing...

I am preparing for my first visit home to KY - i know this might seem funny but TJ and I have come to the consensus that somewhere along the way, Campbellsville, KY became HOME to us...we have our family's homes too...but Cville is where it's at...mostly for me, it's where Courtney is Connor and I are flying home for a week...TJ will drive in for the long weekend due to Columbus day and then we will all drive back (11 hours yikes!!) but it will be so good to get home and see all of our "family" in Cville...only wish that our real families were closer so we could apply the one stop shop method! Connor is very excited to see his Aunt Toot (courtney..) as is Mommy!

Speaking of Connor - the little bugger is in LOVE with the jumperoo we got him last weekend...he spends hours in that thing head-banging least if he ends up slightly brain damaged, we'll know he had fun doing it! He's also trying to was up on hands and knees rocking back and forth...Watch out world, Connor is going mobile!! time to start babyproofing the fun! we're also in the process of buying a new car seat since the little lug is quickly outgrowing the infant seat...the JOYS and PAINS ($$$$$$$) of motherhood! it all is going so fast! pretty soon he'll be all grown up...i can't hardly believe he's closing in on 6 months~ ok..well i think that's it on the updates...all is are this week's pics of the tot...enjoy!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Officially 5 months now

So today is Connor's five month "birthday" so to speak. He really amazes me everyday. This week was fun filled...TJ has been out in the field all week, so it's just been the little man and me. We both decided it would be fun to have a cold, so the first part of the week, when Connor was asleep, MOMMY WAS ASLEEP!! so we didnt get a whole lot done, oh well. But we're feeling better now..both of us. At his last check up, the doctor told me that I was to have Connor on some solids by his next appointment (6 month check up) So, I tried solids again. It's been about a month since we tried it the first time..and what a difference it made! He now opens his mouth when he sees the spoon coming..and actually seems to be swallowing it! What a concept. I have my proof by extra EXTRA stinky diapers much for the sweet smelling poo of the breastfed baby..we're on to the real stuff now! hah! So we are now getting a small bowl of rice cereal and this week, a small portion of sweet potatoes. Now, I've never met a sweet potato i liked, regardless of my mother's intense search for a good recipe, bless her heart. So, although I consider this appreciation for sweet potatoes as treason..I will forgive my son for going to the darkside...whatever makes him happy is fine with me! Also in the Connor news this week, is two short stints on his knees and elbows...with his little (well..) belly off the floor. He didnt really try to GO anywhere..but this scares me..crawling is definitely not far off..although he seems to have figured out how to roll around very well..and gets angry when things get in his know, like walls and furniture! and he has alreayd mastered trying to clear DVDs off the bottom shelf of the TV stand...lovely! We are REALLY in for it!
On the parent side, TJ should find out his MOS in the next couple weeks. Which will give us some indication for a time frame of when and where we will be headed next. I'm looking forward to that. Although we have quickly found a great church family here, and I will be sad to go. If TJ gets infantry, we'll get to stay a few more maybe that will be good. Whatever God wants though..He's got it under control! I'm glad somebody does! haha! And for me..been keeping busy getting stuff together for a flea market this excited to get rid of some stuff.and i'm hoping to make enough money to go to Ikea and get some stuff i want! i love that store! I've also been singing and playing the guitar at church..and although i get's getting easier..and i'm playing a beautiful song this wish me luck.. ok..well that was long! so sorry!! here are the pics for the week! love you all!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Connor's 4 month check up/shots

So, today was our first visit to our pediatrician here in VA. Overall, the experience was good. We had to wait a while, but that is pretty normal in busy doctor's whatever. I'm glad to announce that my child is HUGE! hah! Connor is 4 months and 3 weeks old now, and he weighed in at a WHOPPING 20 lbs solid! he is 26 inches long and has an 18 inch head! he's a growing boy! As the Doc said, he is the poster child for breastfeeding considering he has only had a few spoonfuls of rice cereal and has grown to be a strong, strapping young man! haha! She said he is the picture of health and seems to be doing everything he is supposed to be doing! He got 4 shots today, and other than the fact we had waited long enough that Connor was asleep (it was nap time) when it was shot time, he did very well. There was a lot of crying and tears...but mostly i think he just wanted to SLEEP! but by the time we got out to the front desk, he had stopped crying...he took a nap, and before we could finish lunch, he was back at his usual smiling happy baby! So that was that! Sad thing is that i think it was harder on me, than it was on him! hah! but i didnt cry this time! so i guess i was brave too! round of shots in just over a month (since we were a bit behind schedule this time!) wahoo!! here's some pics from labor day weekend! enjoy!

trying to sit