Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My how time flies!!

so yesterday was Connor's 7 month "birthday" I can't hardly believe that it's been that long already! He's now closer to a year than to zero..yeesh! Next thing we know he'll be graduating high school and then getting married...already makes me want to cry!! hah!

It's been a big week in the Coots household!! TJ completed TBS (the Basic School for officers) this has been a long 7 month trial for TJ as a Marine and for us as a family..lots of long hours and long days...lots of dealing with people he didnt really get along with (and we know how TJ is..haha) BUT I am proud to announce that last Friday, he crossed the stage and made it official..he has finished the Basic officer training. Now he goes into a waiting platoon to continue working out and training to prepare for the Infantry Officer's Course that starts in Jan. So, fun fun... With Graduation also came Warrior Day...which is where the families can come to base and see some of what the guys have been doing...this includes riding in some vehicles and shooting weapons...this was GREAT fun!! Connor really seemed to enjoy the day spent with daddy! and I did too! hah! anywhoo..enjoy some of these pics..we'll catch you on the flip side!

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